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High Performance Piezoelectric Materials

Growth of New High Tc Piezoelectric Single Crystals

PMN-PT and PZN-PT single crystals have remarkable piezoelectric properties such as k₃₃ > 0.92, d₃₃ > 2000 pC/N and unipolar strain > 1%. However, these single
crystals have some disadvantages such as low TC, TRT(TDP), and EC, as shown in table. In order to overcome the disadvantages of PMN-PT and PZN-PT single crystals, Ceracomp has developed “new high TC piezoelectric relaxor-PZT single crystals” by using SSCG method.

· Properties of PMN-PT Crystals and PZT-5H Ceramics
Unit PMN-33PT
Single Crystals
- 5,000 3,500
Dielectric Loss,
tan ∂
% < 1 < 2
pC/N 2,000 600
- 0.9 0.75
Hz-m 1,600 1,900
Coercive Electric
Field, EC
kV/cm 2.5 8.5
Curie Temp.,
150 190
Depoling Temp.,
80 190

· Advantages and Disadvantages of PMN-PT Single Crystals

- Remarkable Piezoelectric Properties -

1. Electromechanical Coupling Factor k₃₃ > 0.9
2. Piezoelectric Coefficient d₃₃ > 2,000 pC/N
3. Unipolar Strain ε > 1%

1. Low Curie Temperature (Tc)
2. Low TRhom-Tet (TRT) or TDP
→ Usage Temperature Limited to TRT or TDP
3. Low Corecive Electric Field (Ec)
4. Low Frequency Constant (N)
5. Expensive (High Production Cost)
- Keys for Commercialization of Crystals -

1. Development of New Compositions
→ High TC, TRT, EC and others

→ Relaxor-PZT Single Crystals

2. Development of Crystal Growth Method
→ Suitable to the New Compositions
→ Suitable to Mass Production
(Low Production cost and high reproducibillty)

→ Solid-state Single Crystal Growth(SSCG) Method

Mass Production of
"Relaxor -PZT" Single Crystals

Compared to PMN-PT and PZN-PT single crystals, relaxor-PZT single crystals have higher TC,TRT, and EC. They also have higher phase stability and vertical MPB. And
their compositions are very similar to the compositions of the conventional PZT ceramics. Because of these advantages of relaxor-PZT compositions, relaxor-PZT
single crystals are better than PMN-PT and PZN-PT single crystals for high temperature applications.

· Development of New High Tc Piezoelectric Single Crystals
  by Compositional Modification from Relaxor-PT to Relaxor-PZT
· Relaxor-PZT Single Crystals with High Tc and TRT
Growth of Single Crystals with Composition Gradient
· Growth of a BaTiO3 Crystal with Composition Gradient
(Undoped-. Mn-. Cr-.and Ce-doped BaTiO3 Single Crystals)

Development of Piezoelectric Single Crystals Evaluation Technology

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