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Piezoelectric Composites

Development of Piezoelectric Composites            

Piezoelectric materials have excellent piezoelectric properties, but brittle fracture easily occurs due to lack
of flexibility.
Product with improved flexibility and piezoelectric efficiency by using the advantages of polymer.
Composites of various sizes can be manufactured.

· Securing production flexibility in the form of a thin film
· Improved piezoelectric efficiency due to improved displacement
· It is easy to adjust the size or shape and can be used on a wide surface
· Suitable for ultrasonic applications due to low acoustic impedance
· Strong against external impact

· Wearable Device, Energy Harvesting, Sensor, Actuator

2-2 Composites

· Net Shape Crystal Growth

· Fabrication of 2-2 Single Crystal Composites by SSCG Method

1-3 Composites

· Net Shape Crystal Growth

· Fabrication of 1-3 Single Crystal Composites by SSCG Method

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